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Lean Construction

Operational Excellence through Lean Thinking

Problem Solving and Continuous Improvement

Lean techniques can be used to solve problems that happen on site

Problem Solving & Continuous Improvement

Lean techniques can be used to solve problems that happen on site, such as damaged materials, late deliveries, and not meeting schedule deadlines by investigating the root causes and involving everyone relevant and then putting fixes in place.

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A Lean approach to problem solving normally involves the use of a specific method to get to the root cause of any particular issue.

This includes specific, proven techniques such as the “5 Whys” or developing a herringbone diagram (see the resource library to find out more) to understand all of the different factors which have contributed to any particular issue; the theory being that once you have broken a problem down into smaller chunks it becomes easier to solve.

Another fundamental concept in Lean problem solving is that problems to not arise as a result of individual mistakes by people but instead are caused by a failure of the system itself. Lean Problem solving then allows you to understand what the problems within the system are so they can be fixed.

Construction Productivity: The need and opportunity

This video highlights the need to improve construction productivity, breaking this down into the efficiency and effectiveness of current operations and identifying opportunities for improvement.

Construction Productivity: The need and opportunity

Practical Steps to Improve Productivity

This video explores the practical steps to improve construction productivity on any project or process, the team’s roles in implementing these changes, and the benefits of doing so.

Practical Steps to Improve Productivity

Selected Lean learning resources

Have a look at our latest Lean Construction resources which we hope will help you on your Lean Construction journey.

5S Workplace Organisation
Introduction to Lean

Building blocks of Lean Construction

There are key elements to Lean Construction and we have learning resources available to explain each to you and to help you start embedding lean in your organisation.

7 Wastes
Lean Construction Training - Waste

Lean construction takes the concept of waste beyond materials and…

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Value Stream Mapping Training

Value stream mapping is a technique used to sequence all…

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5S Training

5S workplace organisation is a key tool in Lean construction...

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Visual Management Training

Visual management is a method of managing the workplace using…

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Collaborative Planning
Collaborative Planning and Production Control

Collaborative planning and production control are methods used to ensure…

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Standardised Work

Standardisation is used in Lean to make processes better by…

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Lets get started . . .

Lean Assessment
The Lean capability assessment helps you understand Lean Construction processes and techniques and provides a ten-point learning plan.
Assess Now
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