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Severn Trent Water


About Us…

We provide fresh clean water to 4.8 million households and businesses across the Midlands and North and Mid-Wales. Collecting around 2 billion litres daily from reservoirs, rivers and underground boreholes, we clean it to the highest standards of drinking water quality, before sending it through an extensive network of pipes to our customers.

At the same time, we remove wastewater – safely, sustainably, and reliably – through our network of sewers and treatment stations. These sewage works carefully screen, filter and treat the wastewater to stringent environmental standards before returning it to the water system. We recycle some waste products to fertilise farmland and use circular principles to reintroduce other types of waste into the value chain.

Our Green Power business generates renewable energy, and we deliver water and waste treatment services to other organisations through our Business Services division.

Sustainability & Supply Chain

Sustainability is a vital goal for our business, and our suppliers are critical in helping us reach the ambitious goals we set ourselves in this area. Working closely and collaboratively with our supply chain is integral to the delivery of our purpose: taking care of one of life’s essentials. Our Sustainability Framework integrates our environmental, social, and governance ambitions, establishing sustainability as an integral part of our business plan.

We work closely with our partners to ensure they understand our goals and can support us, while also helping them build their own knowledge and capabilities. We are committed to supporting the communities we serve by providing affordable services, making a positive difference, and investing in skills and knowledge. Transparency and long-term focus guide our business decisions, ensuring that we balance the interests of all stakeholders and maintain trust in our industry and region.

Why a Partner?

Being a Partner of the SCSS brings significant benefits to our company as we build collaboration among clients, contractors, and suppliers who share a common interest in developing the skills of our supply chain. The platform provides access to a vast array of resources and knowledge on sustainable practices in supply chain management. This empowers us to implement environmentally friendly strategies, promote ethical sourcing, and enhance social responsibility. Additionally, the platform facilitates networking opportunities, fostering connections with like-minded organizations. Together, we contribute to a greener, more ethical, and socially responsible supply chain, enhancing our credibility and reputation in the process.


Severn Trent Water’s Recommended Resources:

Energy and Carbon
Waste and Resource Efficiency
Training and Skills
“The wealth of resources available from the school supports not only Severn Trent, but our supply chain too, in our combined journey to be more sustainable, ethical and socially responsible.”
Amy Ingram, Systems Process and Sustainability Manager