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Social Value Portal


Social Value Portal is the place where organisations come to learn about social value

We aim to promote better business and community wellbeing through the integration of social value into day-to-day business.

Our online solution allows organisations to measure and manage contributions that they, and their supply chain makes to society. The Portal allows organisations to report both non-financial and financial data, and rewards organisations for doing “more good” in the community.
We measure environmental, social and economic activities and help to identify and measure the additional social value delivered through a project in terms that are meaningful to customers.

Social Value Portal launched the National Social Value Measurement Framework – or National TOMs for short – in 2017. The Framework provides a method of reporting and measuring social value to a consistent standard. It provides the golden thread between an organisation’s overarching strategy and vision, to the delivery of that vision. The Framework is reviewed and endorsed by the National Social Value Taskforce.

Sustainability and Supply Chain

We’ve built the National TOMs framework to be used by any organisation, no matter where they are on their social value maturity journey.

  • Beginner: For organisations – both private and public sector – who are starting out on their journey to embed social value into their business processes; through procurement, management, or strategy. An easy-to-use solution that is immediately available and may be applied to any project or activity.
  • Advanced: For organisations that are more advanced on their journey, the vision is the integration of the TOMs into any existing measurement approaches as a minimum. This comes with the added benefit of adding Measures that do not exist in any current reporting toolkit.

Its series of standalone Measures can be extended or reduced without compromising the integrity of the framework, providing users with a consistent approach to measurement.

The National TOMs is an agent for change: each Outcome and Measure has been developed to reflect a need and to allow businesses to support fulfilling that need, ultimately, to benefit the communities they serve.

Recommended Resources

Sustainability Strategy

Why a Partner?

Our ambition – which remains steadfast – stems back to our origination in 2016: to lead a movement for change. We want to support as many businesses as possible to unlock value for communities and society, by helping them to create maximum social value.

By adopting a social value approach, any organisation can make better decisions through all their actions that contribute to providing society what it needs to thrive in the long-term.

We support organisations to nurture and build a thriving society.

Social Value Portal’s Key Documents

Customer Testimonials

“For First Base, embedding an approach to social value from the outset of any project is fundamental. Developing a Social Value Strategy for our planning applications is the best way to ensure that we can maximise the social, economic, and environmental value generated throughout the lifecycle of our developments. It is important to us that any social value delivered is tangible, needs-based and developed in collaboration with communities. That is why we are committed to adopting the Social Value Portal’s approach on all major developments.”
Liam Ronan‑Chlond, Stakeholder & External Relations, First Base
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