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Vision and Values

Our vision and values are driven by the ambition of our Partners and members, working towards a sustainable future for the built environment industry.

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Download Download our School Values


Our Vision:

“An industry where everyone will have the skills and knowledge to deliver a sustainable future.”

To deliver our vision we have eight guiding principles to support our decision-making and a set of four values which runs throughout our teams and leadership groups.

By 2025 our goal is to inspire and enable 50,000 people annually, in our Partners and their supply chains, to be more sustainable and drive real change.

Our Values:

We are collaborative, impactful, inspirational and inclusive.

  • Collaborative because we share knowledge and resources.
  • Impactful because we deliver measurable impact through dynamic leadership.
  • Inspirational because we inspire and enable our industry to drive positive change.
  • Inclusive because we exemplify respect for the planet, our colleagues and wider society.

Guiding Principles:

The School has eight guiding principles that are delivered using our four shared values.

Subject matter

Subject matter

We will provide learning content that builds skills to deliver a sustainable built environment.
Target audience

Target audience

We will deliver a School free at the point of use for anybody who works in, or may aspire to work in, the built environment sector.


We will offer CPD-accredited learning where appropriate and learning that contributes to professional qualifications.
New knowledge

New knowledge

We will engage with industry, academia and research organisations to instigate and seed fund new research that can be translated into School learning content in the future.


We will establish the School as the centre of excellence with respect to developing supply chains to deliver a sustainable built environment.
Geographic reach

Geographic reach

We will seek global best practice to reach Partners’ supply chains across the UK and outside the UK, where appropriate. Our delivery partner will respond to opportunities to franchise the School at their own cost and risk.


We will seek partners who share the values of the School and who commit to share knowledge, contribute financially and in kind.


We will fund the School from Partner contributions, franchise fees and appropriate sources of government or industry funding. We will not ask members for money or allow commercial sponsorship of our learning content or activities.
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