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FM Market Update: October 2021

Modern Slavery, Sustainability in Facilities Management

Published 29th Sep 21 - by rosiewatts

Top stories

The Apprenticeship Opportunity

Linda Hausmanis, IWFM CEO says levy-funded apprenticeships allow employers to invest in their workforce by combining education, work-based learning and ongoing development

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No Jab, No Job?

More than 30 per cent of large UK firms have signalled that staff may be asked for proof of vaccination before they can physically return to work. Karen Holden, CEO of A City Law Firm looks at the legal issues that could arise.

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Skilled to Succeed

It’s never been more important to develop our people.  In the latest in FM Journal’s series which celebrates the careers of front-line FM workers, hear from Kerrie Carrott, Trainee Fire and Security Engineer, EMCOR UK



October’s Featured Topic: Modern Slavery

There are 40.3 million victims in forced labour estimated by the Global Slavery Index, and estimated 136,000 victims in the UK alone. Labour exploitation is a lucrative business for organised crime and the built environment sector is no exception.

We have a wealth of resources to help you understand the principles of modern slavery and how you can use due diligence within your organisational processes to combat the risk of labour exploitation – take a look:

Modern Slavery: An Introduction 

An introductory learning pathway to help you begin to develop your understanding on modern slavery risks within your organisation and supply chain.

Start learning >>

Modern Slavery Due Diligence Prevention Checklist

A best practice checklist, outlining what organisations should have in place to combat modern slavery, designed to help procurement specialists understand how to evaluate supply chain responses to requests for their own due diligence processes. 

Find out more >>

Concrete – Tackling Modern Slavery in the Construction Sector

This video illustrates the forms of modern slavery and how it can manifest in the construction industry.

Watch now >>


Financial Wellbeing in the Workplace Lunch ‘n’ Learn

The aim of this lunch n learn is to understand the importance of financial wellbeing in the workplace. Now more than ever, money worries are the biggest cause of stress for UK employees, and are damaging to business too.  People take their money worries to work, affecting their performance and levels of absenteeism.

By attending this session you will:

  • Learn what financial wellbeing is and why it’s important
  • How you can incorporate free resources to support you and your employees
  • Access MaPS UK Partnerships Team to provide support and assistance with your financial wellbeing strategies


  • DATE: 21st  October 2021
  • TIME: 10:30am -11:30am
  • LOCATION: Online
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