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To enable a sustainable built environment, we must engage the future of it
The School wants to help bridge the gap between industry and education.
Our model has been proven to work for thousands of businesses, and in 2023, we opened up to education providers and started to bring in Future Workforce Partners.
This will enable us to help colleges, training providers and universities across the UK deliver employer-led learning and benefit from industry connection. It will also allow us to help students and teachers access the same learning that industry does, not only for delivery, but to improve the running of their estates, services and business.
This will also bring huge benefits to our industry partners; enabling them to connect with education in an impactful way, embed skills and training they require, recruit and deliver long-lasting social value.
Explore our resources on
Training & Skills
We have gathered a comprehensive set of resources designed to bridge the skills gap and support the future workforce in the built environment.
Whether you’re a professional seeking to engage with colleges and students, an educator in the built environment, a provider of educational business services, or a student pursuing a career in construction and the built environment, our resources are here to help.
Explore more themes
1. Working in industry and want to engage with education?
Key resources for you
2. Teaching built environment?
Key resources for you
3. Working in education business services?
Key resources for you
4. A student in construction and the built environment?
Key resources for you

The Industry Skills Gap
UCEM held a collaborative event involving the School and other partners, which focused on the crucial topic of capacity, skills and workforce. As part of that, Mark Farmer (of the Farmer review) created this video answering some key questions. Click play to find out more.
Future Workforce Partners receive:
- Industry-developed on-demand learning for their students that they can take into work
- Accredited CPD for their staff: those in teaching and learning, and in business service
- Help to increase the productivity and sustainability of their institutions
- The ability to map, manage and upskill their supply chains and local businesses they work with
- Facilitated connections into industry through our Future Workforce Leadership Group