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Rail Infrastructure

Network Rail’s Greener Railway Strategy presents shared environmental and social sustainability priorities for the UK railway industry, and enable better outcomes for communities, customers and stakeholders. The strategy builds on the recent Sustainable Rail Blueprint developed by the Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB).

There are 8 key areas for the sector to focus on, under three main themes:

  • A railway that is fit for the future
  • A railway that cares for the environment
  • A railway that helps communities thrive

The Supply Chain Sustainability School are providing a series of Learning Pathways to support the delivery of the Greener Railway Strategy and its roll-out to supply chains covering construction, operation and maintenance.

The aim is to reinforce and broaden understanding of the issues addressed by the strategy, through practical resources and materials which can be shared at all levels from senior management to site operatives.

The School has worked closely with Network Rail, RSSB, major contractors, suppliers, and industry stakeholders to develop this approach.

Rail Infrastructure – Supply Chain Collaboration

A Company Learning Pathway provides an overview of key policies, compliance and business support information for the rail supply chain

There are also 8 separate Individual Learning Pathways, aligned to the 8 Greener Railway areas:

  1. Net Zero Delivery
  2. Circular Economy
  3. Climate Adaption                
  4. Protecting Land, Air and Water  
  5. Nature Recovery
  6. Inclusive and Accessible Railway         
  7. Supporting Local Economies   
  8. Community Wellbeing    

For further information and support, please contact Andrew Wilson or Yasmin Chatt at the Supply Chain School: [email protected]  [email protected]

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