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Energy and Carbon
Energy and Carbon
Energy and Carbon
Energy and Carbon
Energy and Carbon
Energy and Carbon
Energy and Carbon
Energy and Carbon
Energy and Carbon
Energy and Carbon


Think Global. Act Local. Make a difference: Balfour Beatty leading the charge against climate change
Top stories Launch of the Welsh Procurement Policy Note WPPN 09/21: Sourcing Sustainable materials for construction projects in Wales WPPN 09/21 provides advice to public sector bodies in Wales on…
FREE carbon calculator for supply chains
Top stories Launch of the Welsh Procurement Policy Note WPPN 09/21: Sourcing Sustainable materials for construction projects in Wales WPPN 09/21 provides advice to public sector bodies in Wales on…
Environment Agency announced as Partner of the Supply Chain Sustainability School
Top stories Launch of the Welsh Procurement Policy Note WPPN 09/21: Sourcing Sustainable materials for construction projects in Wales WPPN 09/21 provides advice to public sector bodies in Wales on…
Wates WIN Portal offering the chance for your product to be piloted throughout the Lloyds Banking Group estate
Top stories Launch of the Welsh Procurement Policy Note WPPN 09/21: Sourcing Sustainable materials for construction projects in Wales WPPN 09/21 provides advice to public sector bodies in Wales on…
Infrastructure Market Update September 2021
Top stories Launch of the Welsh Procurement Policy Note WPPN 09/21: Sourcing Sustainable materials for construction projects in Wales WPPN 09/21 provides advice to public sector bodies in Wales on…
Future Homes Delivery Plan
Top stories Launch of the Welsh Procurement Policy Note WPPN 09/21: Sourcing Sustainable materials for construction projects in Wales WPPN 09/21 provides advice to public sector bodies in Wales on…
Scotland Market Update August 2021
Top stories Launch of the Welsh Procurement Policy Note WPPN 09/21: Sourcing Sustainable materials for construction projects in Wales WPPN 09/21 provides advice to public sector bodies in Wales on…
Infrastructure Market Update August 2021
Top stories Launch of the Welsh Procurement Policy Note WPPN 09/21: Sourcing Sustainable materials for construction projects in Wales WPPN 09/21 provides advice to public sector bodies in Wales on…
Offsite Market Update: June 2021
Top stories Launch of the Welsh Procurement Policy Note WPPN 09/21: Sourcing Sustainable materials for construction projects in Wales WPPN 09/21 provides advice to public sector bodies in Wales on…
Construction Market Update: June 2021
Top stories Launch of the Welsh Procurement Policy Note WPPN 09/21: Sourcing Sustainable materials for construction projects in Wales WPPN 09/21 provides advice to public sector bodies in Wales on…