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Advanté's Clients are central in all we do, and our staff’s genuine desire to provide our Clients with welfare solutions, is fundamental in our ability to meet our Clients’ needs.

2018 marked the 20th anniversary since the launch of the first Oasis welfare unit, which proved to be a game changer and transformed the level of welfare provision on construction sites.

Close partnership working with our Clients, staff and supply chain enables us to react swiftly with appropriate solutions to changing requirements, in turn allowing us to lead the instant start welfare industry to meet ever changing, more challenging demands on welfare provision, all the time raising the bar.

In addition to providing Oasis welfare, we are increasingly Clients’ specialist transport provider of choice – our fleet of 80t lorry loaders with capacity of 360 degree lifts, delivers effective transport solutions for our Clients’ sites.

Sustainability and Supply Chain

To Advanté, sustainability simply means we consider social, economic and environmental sustainability in all our business decisions.

At Advanté, we have embedded policies in our business, which have produced tangible improvements in how our products and services are delivered to our Clients. Our policies extend beyond simply delivering welfare units to site and includes associated service support on Clients’ sites during the hire. Our processes are continually developed to minimise any adverse impact of our business activities, whilst improving the standard of Oasis welfare provision in line with Clients’ changing requirements.

We set and monitor relevant measurable objectives and targets, and report regularly on our progress.

In the same way we were introduced to the Supply Chain School by our Clients, the Supply Chain School’s comprehensive training and resource materials allow us to present our Supply Chain with a wealth of information to assist their sustainability aims.

Why a Partner?

Initially, our involvement with the Supply Chain School was Client led and we achieved Silver Status in 2018.

The benefit of becoming a Partner of the School is the ability to gain an early insight into our Clients’ and industry changing requirements, enabling us to respond with effective, sustainable solutions at the earliest opportunity.

We use the School’s FIR toolkit to promote and develop FIR culture and staff engagement within our business.

The Supply Chain School is an important platform and resource, not only to develop sustainability within our company and our supply chain, but for the construction sector overall.

“Advanté recognises the importance of our sustainability, but that our supply chain’s sustainability is inextricably linked to future success. Becoming a FIR ambassador, has been instrumental in successfully developing our staff engagement and empowerment, and having the resources of the Supply Chain School available made this journey effective and enjoyable. Close collaboration between our Clients, staff and supply chain partners, enables us to continue leading the instant start welfare industry to meet ever changing, more challenging demands on welfare provision.”
Mandy Messenger, Client Operations Director

Advanté's Key Topic

Fairness, Inclusion & Respect Training

Making our workplaces even better for everyone.

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