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BBI Services


We’re here to take the built environment forward, at pace.

Case Study

We have the ability to help businesses improve, get better at what they do, reduce their costs, get their projects completing on time and in budget, with less waste and smarter ways to do things, aided by some clever bits of technology.

We recognise and understand the challenges in the industry. Quality and productivity need to improve, margins can be tight and projects often overrun. But we can help with all of that.

We work in collaboration with our clients, with an engaging practical approach, focused on people, process and performance, and completely tailored for each client’s requirements.

All of which means you, your colleagues and most importantly your end users could be a lot happier. And the happier your customers are, the more they will seek your help going forward.

Sustainability and Supply Chain

At BBI Services, everything we do is focused on “making the boat go faster” in the built environment which includes sustainability factors and optimising processes for efficiency and productivity. Organisations improving quality, productivity, safety and programmes, both within their teams and throughout their supply chain, contributes to the industry becoming more sustainable.

Developing programmes, from end to end, and determining the most effective and efficient processes drives us to achieve economic, environmental and social impacts.

Our expertise brings best practice from successful industries, supports MMC and is designed to ensure sustainable improvement is maintained.

Also, as a business we are taking the digital transformation forward at pace and are deploying solutions that focus in on the skillsets, toolsets and mindsets to succeed.

Why a Partner?

Driving best practice into the built environment and accelerating performance improvement requires extensive collaboration. We became a partner of the school because we share important values and purpose in identifying opportunities for shared learning and working together to improve the sector.

The school provides invaluable access to resources and knowledge to equip the supply chain and a platform for us to develop new approaches and pathways. It gives BBI Services a fantastic opportunity to share our expertise and knowledge with the partners & sector. We’re very proud to become a partner.

“The team at BBI Services has been outstanding in helping AWI Steel set up our integrated digital platform to track our performance from project tender right through to hand-over. I would highly recommend Mark Worrall and the BBI Services team to other construction firms who wish to elevate their performance.”
Paul Mirabito, Owner / Director - AWI Steel

BBI Service's Key Resources

Introduction to Lean
Collaborative Planning and Production Control
Introduction to Lean
Introduction to Lean
5S Training