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"The School is a vehicle for us to enable our supply chain to help us to reach our ambitious sustainability targets as a business."

BAM Nuttall

"By embedding the School as part of the supplier development process...our project has benefited from an engaged workforce and supply chain."

A14 Delivery Team

"By becoming a Partner of the School we can collaboratively approach the challenges and opportunities we face within the industry."

Danny Sullivan Group

The School is led by our Partners - they direct and drive everything we do.

Becoming a Partner is simple. To find out more about joining this group of companies committed to leading the build environment to a sustainable future, contact Rick Dunn or call 07923 246362.

Become a Partner

Our Partners set the strategic direction of the School and identify key issues to address, new training to develop, workshop and conference content, and, just as importantly, ensure the good governance of the School.

Partners also receive a full package of benefits, including:

  • Bespoke training workshops
  • Speaking opportunities
  • Supply chain tracking technology
  • £1,000,000+ of CPD accredited sustainability e-learning modules
  • Opportunities to collaborate and innovate alongside other industry leaders

The School is committed to building the sustainability skills of the industry, and so welcome new Partners on board from all levels of the value chain.

Why become a Partner?

Partnership with the School offers many valuable resources and a wealth of expertise through the opportunity to collaborate.

The value of Partnership

Our Partners talk about why they choose to work together in collaboration through the Supply Chain Sustainability School.


Find out more about joining as a Partner.

Our Partner benefits can broadly be tailored to your organisation’s priorities and we would love to discuss your aims and objectives to see if becoming a Partner would be right for you.

Overall benefits can relate to your internal workforce as well as your supply chain and include*:

  • Over £1,000,000 of CPD accredited sustainability focused e-learning modules, bolted directly onto your own LMS

  • Up to 5 CPD accredited virtual training sessions (focusing on topics of your choosing) for your internal teams or supply chains

  • A platform for you to engage with your supply chain on your key sustainability priorities

  • Access to unique online statistics and data identifying the strengths and weaknesses in your supply chain through our Partner dashboard

  • The ability to set learning pathways and journeys for your internal colleagues and supply chains

  • Supply chain carbon footprinting calculator

  • Access to Partner only forums at which you can drive the School's strategic agenda and collaborate with industry colleagues to implement sustainable change

  • Building relationships and collaboration with senior decision makers in companies across the built environment sector

  • Over 300 training and supplier development sessions per annum

  • Ultimately – a more competitive, skilled supply chain, leading to bottom line returns

Looking for something specific or to understand more? Contact Paul to see if becoming a Partner would be right for you.

*Partner benefits are tailored based on the level of Partnership chosen

No. Although we understand it could look like that. Larger organisations took the lead to help develop the School initially but now they’re intent on bringing in Partners from across the value chain. The School Partners welcome and actively promote becoming a Partner to companies from all sizes and sectors in the built environment. (For example; if you turnover £50 million or less the cost is only £7,600).

Still not sure? Contact Paul to find out if becoming a Partner could work for you.

No. The School is free at the point of use. We will not charge your supply chain for any of the resources. The School is funded by a combination of Partner fees, CITB and other funding bodies as and when appropriate. The School’s accounts are transparent, signed off by the Board and available for review by Partners.

Our pricing structure is tiered and split into six individual brackets dependent on the benefits you wish to take up:

  1. £7,600 – Mid-sized contractors and suppliers with under £50 million turnover (please contact Paul Parkinson to find out if you are eligible for this rate)

  2. £8,380 - Your organisation would like to sit on 1 category (or regional) group

  3. £13,990 – Your organisation would like to sit on up to 8 leadership groups and receive standard benefits

  4. £17,500 - Your organisation would like to sit on up to 12 leadership groups and receive advanced benefits

  5. £20,800 – Your organisation would like to sit on up to 15 leadership groups and receive premium benefits

  6. £26,980 – Your organisation would like to sit on up to all leadership groups and receive maximum benefits

In short, it means that you are focused on developing the sustainability skills and knowledge of your workforce and supply chain. The School Partnership is a legally constituted partnership, and all Partners are required to sign a Partner Schedule which forms part of our Constitution, as well as our Code of Ethics.

Learn more about becoming a Partner

Our Partners set the strategic direction of the School, identify key issues to address and suggest new content to develop, demonstrating they are taking the lead in tackling core sustainability issues.

Learn More

    Our Partners

    The School is a collaboration between clients, contractors and suppliers who have a mutual interest in building the skills of their supply chain. They pay for the School, so it's all FREE for you.