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HE Simm


HE Simm is one of the UK’s leading providers of building services.

HE Simm Sustainability Strategy
HE Simm Carbon Reduction Strategy

Drawing upon over 65 years’ experience, we deliver exceptional mechanical, electrical and public health services to high-profile schemes across a diverse range of sectors nationwide.

Everything we do is executed with pride, passion and precision, ever driven by our core values of Excellence, People, Teamwork and Honesty.

Our vision is to be the industry’s building services partner of choice.

At HE Simm, our passion for excellence runs through every aspect of our business. We are committed to continuously improving what we do and strengthening our position for future development.  Our strategy is outlined in six strategic priorities which our employees and supply chain partners continuously work towards.

  1. Safety Comes First’ – We aim to reduce accidents year on year, with no ruined lives through injury or ill health.
  2. Sustainable Growth – We aim to sustainably grow the business whilst improving profitability and net worth.
  3. Delivering Excellence – We aim to improve our current average KPI score of 82% across all key sectors.
  4. Our People – We aim to make HE Simm one of the best places to work in the industry.
  5. Improving Sustainability – We aim to increase sustainability across all aspects of our business.
  6. Maximising Teamwork – We aim to utilise the experience of all team members in the most efficient way.

High performing and safe sub-contractors and suppliers.

Every business is dependent on its supply chain, with every chain only as strong as its weakest link. By sharing our values with our supply chain, we can work together to deliver them and achieve our vision to become the industry’s partner of choice. Our Supply Chain Charter was introduced in 2013, as the first initiative to be addressed within Focus 30. It forms the basis for the collaborative relationships formed between HE Simm and its supply chain. Read our Supply Chain Charter.


Key topics for HE Simm and our supply chain.


Making construction leaner, greener and more efficient.

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Design for Man and Assembly
Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) Training

DfMA is about embedding efficiency throughout a product’s life-cycle, including…

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Energy and Carbon Training

Climate change is the biggest issue of our time and…

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Sustainability addresses the social, environmental and economic challenges we face…

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