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Future Workforce Group

We recognise the need to engage the future workforce, and to help bridge the gap between industry and education.

To enable a sustainable built environment, we must engage the future of it

The Education Landscape
The School now has a Future Workforce Leadership Group made up of leaders from across our Partners committed to the Future Workforce agenda – those working in education institutions and in industry.  

As a group, we have the opportunity to impact the skills landscape and the future of our workforce and industry as a whole.

We can work together to close the gap between education and industry. This can help educators deliver employer-led curriculums, and help industry access a more skilled and diverse workforce. Moreover, this can truly enable young people, and adults returned to education, participate in a sustainable future – giving them the tools and opportunities to work sustainably in a just transition. 

The task ahead is vast, but the group is committed to looking at what it can do within the model of the School, using its platform and ability to knowledge share, to help educate and upskill the future workforce of industry on sustainability and the sector.

It’s goals are to: 

  • Engage industry and education to close the skills gap, and education-industry gap; 
  • Develop new content that enables more sustainable skills in the future workforce, inspires the next generation of professionals and can be easily used by educational professionals; 
  • Widen & amplify the reach of existing resources and work that enables a sustainable future workforce. 

Meeting Dates:

The meeting dates for the Future Workforce Group have been set for 2024/2025. Please see below for further details.

Date/ TimeLocation
5th December 2024, 10:00am-12:00pmMicrosoft Teams
4th February 2025, 10:00am-12:00pmMicrosoft Teams

Meet the Team:

Holly Hansen-Maughan
Group and Sector Manager
Contact Holly
Alice Crowsley
Project Officer
Contact Alice

    Our Partners

    The Future Workforce Leadership Group is a collaboration between clients, contractors and suppliers who have a mutual interest in developing the skills landscape and the future of our workforce and industry as a whole.