Refreshed Supplier Development System
David O’Neil
Supply Chain Director
Welcome to our Supplier Development System!
Welcome to our refreshed Supplier Development System. Over the last few years, we have been helping suppliers develop their capabilities to prepare for upcoming procurement and to improve delivery on the ground. We have seen some achieve more than 10% maturity growth, and it has been great to see how this has helped them grow their business and deliver better performance out on the strategic road network.
As we look forward to upcoming procurement, and to RIS3, we have reviewed our supplier development focus and content to ensure it is reflective of where we are heading as a business as we continue connecting the country, efficiently delivering a significant investment programme, improving customer service, safety performance and environmental outcomes.
We have also listened to your feedback on what works well, and what we can improve to help you even further. This refresh has been created in collaboration with suppliers, large and small, and with subject matter experts in our businesses.
The supplier development system remains free and easily accessible to all suppliers. It is flexible in how you may use it taking you through basic capability requirements, building through continuous improvement and then more progressive values and behaviours. You can enter at the point that is right for your maturity / need and will get your own tailored development action plan.
We continue to utilise our strong partnership with Supply Chain Sustainability School to access the very latest lead practices and development material. We have also stitched in the vast array of assessment material available in National Highways attempting to show how this fits together. We plan to rationalise the assessment material even further in the coming months to further simplify our business.
Our supplier development system is part of our broader supplier development approach supporting better enterprise maturity, better leadership maturity through Roads Academy and developing / sharing leading practices through Engagement Council / Collaboration Board.
You play a critical role in achieving our performance, delivery, and service outcomes. So please register to continue, or even start, your journey with us!
To complete the SDS, take the National Highways company assessment to generate your action plan.
NB – you will need Owner or Admin level access to your company account with the Supply Chain Sustainability School.
Please contact the Supply Chain Sustainability School for any advice or support ([email protected]). For larger companies we recommend the assessment is completed by a team of colleagues representing different functions within the organisation.
David O’Neil
Supply Chain Director

Contacts for further information and support:
Loraine Sweeney, Project Manager, Supply Chain School – [email protected]
Stefan Jastak, Supplier Development Group Leader, National Highways – [email protected]