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Yorkshire Water


At Yorkshire Water we have a clear vision for the region – a thriving Yorkshire: right for our customers, right for the environment. To make this happen, we need to invest in our infrastructure, create jobs, and work together with other organisations – such as councils and universities – across the region. We’ve six key outcomes to achieve this vision by 2050.

Protecting Yorkshire’s environment is at the heart of everything we do. From supplying our customers with clean water, to treating wastewater and returning it safely back to our rivers, we do all we can to protect the environment every step of the way.

Sustainability & Supply Chain

By carrying out our procurement activities in a sustainable and ethical way, we can help to reduce risks in our supply chain, as well as create opportunities to tackle wider social, economic, and environmental challenges facing the water sector.

We want to work together with suppliers that share our sustainability aspirations. This is why sustainability considerations now form such an important part of our procurement decision-making.

Our Sustainable Procurement Code outlines our areas of focus on sustainability-related problems and explains the expectations and requirements of our suppliers and contractors when taking on work on our behalf.

Why a Partner?

Our supply chain faces many different sustainability-related risks, including climate change, water security, human rights, and fair labour practices.

Yorkshire Water is proud to be a partner of the Supply Chain Sustainability School. It’s a great collaboration between clients, contractors, and suppliers working towards a common goal of sustainability in their supply chains.The school offers a wide range of free eLearning modules, tailored self-assessment and action plans, sustainability training and networking opportunities. We’d like our suppliers and contract partners to engage with the School to support their sustainability approach, and we might ask them to take specific training provided by the School when needed.