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Working Practices


Policies and Procedures are the set of rules and methods designed and communicated to structure people processes within your organisation to help ensure a better workplace for all.

Working culture is the shared set of values, goals, attitudes and practices that make up your organisation. Culture is evident in the way your people interact with each other, the values they hold and the decisions they make.

Diversity Monitoring


Does your company collect data on the diversity of your employees? If so, how do you know how your diversity compares to others in our sector?

Our annual Diversity Survey is an aggregated and is an anonymous way to allow you to understand how the diversity of your workforce compares to the rest of the industry. It enables us all to work to improve diversity across our sector as we strive to make our company a better place for all.

If you don’t already collect your diversity data, try our ‘Company Diversity Tool’ that has been specifically designed for organisations to collect diversity data from their employees.

Diversity Tool

Diversity Tool Introduction

Learn how to benchmark your organisation’s diversity data against industry.

Diversity Tool Intro Video

Policy and Procedures

Policy and Procedures that meet equality legislation and employment codes of practice and comply with legally required pay gap reporting. Expand your knowledge in this area through some handpicked resources below:

Design for Manufacture and Assembly

Working Culture

Working culture can positively influence our culture and are how we take this forward. Expand your knowledge in this area through some handpicked resources below:

Monitoring Diversity

Monitoring diversity uses this information to monitor diversity or inform workforce strategies. Expand your knowledge in this area through some handpicked resources below:

Environmental management

Take the FIR Growth Assessment



The FIR Growth Assessment offers employers a structured way to develop and embed fairness, inclusion and respect (FIR) in their company. This approach allows employers to support their workers and grow their business. Please note that you will need to be an admin on your corporate account to complete the assessment.

Take the FIR Growth Assessment

Become a FIR Ambassador

Do you work in the built environment and want to take action to make your workplace better for everyone? Then join the FIR Ambassadors network.

Take the FIR Growth Assessment
Take the FIR Growth Assessment to benchmark your organisation’s FIR commitments against others in your sector. You will need to be an admin on your corporate account to complete this.
Attend a FIR Training Course
As a sector, we need to embrace FIR to attract, recruit, train and retain the skills that are needed. Join us at an upcoming FIR workshop or webinar.
Book now
Become a FIR Ambassador
Interested in becoming a FIR Ambassador? Self enrol onto the FIR Ambassador Learning Pathway to start your journey.

Our Partners

The School is a collaboration between clients, contractors and suppliers who have a mutual interest in building the skills of their supply chain. They pay for the School, so it’s all FREE for you.