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Lean Construction

Operational Excellence through Lean Thinking

Value Stream Mapping Training

Value stream mapping is a technique used to sequence all the process tasks...

Value Stream Mapping

What is Value Stream Mapping?

Value stream mapping is a technique used to sequence all the process tasks required to transform a product from raw material to a complete, deliverable customer item

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It highlights where value is added and areas where no value (waste) occurs and can be used as a method to identify any inefficiencies in the process that need addressing.

A value stream map itself is a sequence of activities to produce an end product or deliver a service.

By understanding these steps it is then easier to understand how improvements to the system might be made by streamlining or removing certain steps. A value stream map which has been improved but not implemented is known as a future state map.

Value Stream Mapping Step-By-Step

The video on the right demonstrates how to conduct a value stream map and how to implement it.

Looking to develop the skills to embrace Lean Construction?

Lean Assessment

Value stream mapping

Measuring Construction Productivity

This video highlights the benefits of measuring the inputs and outputs of a project to identify the actual performance and the opportunities for improvement at business, project, and process levels.

Measuring Construction Productivity

Selected lean learning resources

Have a look at our latest Lean Construction resources which we hope will help you on your Lean Construction journey.

Value Stream Mapping Training
Value Stream Mapping
Value Stream Mapping Training

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Lets get started . . .

Lean Assessment
The Lean capability assessment helps you understand Lean Construction processes and techniques and provides a ten-point learning plan.
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