Enhancing our communities
96% of School Partners are interested in Social Value because they want to improve the relationships with the communities in which they work. Download the School’s ‘Social Value in the Built Environment Industry Briefing 2020’.
Social Value in the Built Environment Industry Briefing 2020
download the reportAs an industry we don’t work in isolation, we are at the centre of creating the communities in which we all live. This is a big opportunity and a responsibility for us all.
The design, build and operation of the built environment all have the potential to be extremely disruptive to neighbours. Effective engagement and consultation with communities can be used to mitigate this risk, as can the use of initiatives such as the Considerate Constructors Scheme. Clients, local authorities and other stakeholders increasingly expect companies in the built environment to engage with the communities in which they work and improve the wellbeing of the people in those communities. They are using their procurement policies and processes, for example PPN 06/20, and instruments such as planning conditions, to drive improved community engagement.
Many companies working in the built environment engage with voluntary and community organisations. This can be done through charitable or payroll giving, sponsorship, pro-bono or in kind work and enabling employees to spend time volunteering in community or charity projects.
There are lots of opportunities to enhance the lives of the communities in which we work. However, it’s no longer good enough to just turn up and give time and money. We need to be able to measure the impact and quantify the benefits that our interactions with the community are having.
Community Engagement - An insight from Skanska
Hear why Social Value is key to delivering Skanska’s purpose and about the work they are doing to deliver a sustainable legacy for everyone living or working around their sites.
Arc in the Park Restoration
Community Engagement Social Value Case Study: Kings Cross Zone B
Case Study
Large Scale Regeneration With Large Scale, Long-Lasting And Sustainable Social Value
Case Study
Social Value Exchange
Web link
Training and Skills
Delivering Social Value through Offsite Construction Report
Sustainability Strategy
National Highways Social Value Plan 2022-2024
Training and Skills
The Rail Social Value Tool (RSVT)
WPPN 01/20 Social Value Clauses / Community Benefits through Public Procurement
Community Engagement – Conflict: A Toolbox Talk
In this short toolbox talk video, we will explore the issues we might face day to day when dealing with the wider communities we work in. We’ll cover topics such as inclusion and respect, how to deal with questions and complaints from the public, and how to stay safe!

The quality of the air we all breathe often gets…

Climate change is the biggest issue of our time and…

Social Value is more important than ever and has a…

Providing free and fair opportunities for all businesses to bid…

Attracting, developing and retaining talent to improve productivity and enable…

Addressing wellbeing and welfare improvement across the whole value chain…